Flat Feet vs Normal Feet

Flat Feet vs Normal Feet

A considerable percentage of the world population is struggling with flat feet. Therefore, it is important for you to have a clear understanding of what this health condition is all about. Whether you have flat feet or not, you will be interested in understanding how it is like to have flat feet. That’s why we thought of doing a comparison between flat feet vs normal feet. We will be using the symptoms associated with flat feet for the comparison. Based on this comparison, you can get a complete understanding of how it is like to live with flat feet.

What can lead you to Flat Feet?

Before understanding how it is like to live with flat feet, it is better to have a basic understanding of what can lead you to this health condition. Flat feet can take place when the arch of your foot is located too low. You will be able to notice this when you are in a standing position. People with normal feet will notice that there is a curve in the feet.

It is true that the foot will naturally curve when it is bearing weight. However, people with flat feet will notice that there is no arch support available at all. Therefore, the entire sole of feet will come into contact with the ground. This is one of the most common health problems associated with feet. It can lead a person towards numerous health problems such as back pain, leg pain, and ankle pain, as there is not enough support available to provide the support needed by the body when you are on the move or while you stand.

Flat Feet vs Normal Feet Common Problems 

Now you have a good picture of what it is like to live with flat feet vs normal feet. While keeping that in mind, let’s see how it is like to live with flat feet. 

Chronic Muscle Strain

Flat feet muscle strain

Alignment of normal feet can help your body to remain stable. However, flat feet are not in a position to deliver any assistance to you with it. Due to the same reason, you will have to encounter numerous challenges while trying to keep the body stable. This can lead you to the risk of developing chronic muscle strains. This is one of the most common health problems that we can see in people who are affected with flat feet.

When you are having flat feet, muscles of your body will be forced to compensate. That’s because your body will not have natural stability. It is true that your body will eventually be able to adapt accordingly to minimize the effects caused by a lack of support in feet. However, you will still have to deal with challenges when you increase your activity levels. Even if you go for a walk, you will have to deal with significant muscle strain and pain. 

If you are facing such issues, you will not be able to go ahead with your day to day activities and enjoy life. This is where you should think about getting normal feet. There are treatments available to help you with that. You can go for them and reduce the pain that you will have to face with day to day life events.

Long Term Back and Leg Pain

flat feet back problems

People who are affected with flat feet will have to experience back and leg pain as well. It is true that leg and back pain doesn’t happen mainly due to flat feet. There are numerous other causes behind leg pain and back pain. However, people who have flat feet will get leg and back pain more frequently when compared to people with normal feet. That’s because flat feet are taking away the natural configuration of your body when you are walking or standing. This can create a negative impact on the good posture you maintain. Therefore, you will have to deal with pain in the long run.

It is important for your feet to deliver a strong foundation to support your feet. If you are having normal feet, you don’t need to worry too much about it because your feet are providing all the support. But if you are having flat feet, you will not be able to deliver that support. That’s because your feet are collapsing to the ground. Therefore, the lower legs would tend to rotate inward. This can create a negative impact on the overall leg. Moreover, it also has the potential to create an impact on the hips.

Therefore, people with flat feet will become victims of long-term back pain and leg pain. Putting insoles inside your shoes can lower the pain, read our review on protalus vs superfeet which are some of the best insoles in the market currently.

Musculoskeletal Problems 

Another difference between flat feet and normal feet is that people who have flat feet will have to deal with an increased risk of getting musculoskeletal health problems. According to healthcare experts, flat feet is considered one of the most common reasons behind the development of musculoskeletal problems and pain.

The proper balance of your body would begin in the feet. If your feet are not in a position to support the proper balance of your body, you will have to deal with numerous negative consequences. Therefore, your chances of getting joint problems will increase. These joint problems can take place due to unnatural gait and poor posture, which happen due to flat feet. This is the main reason why people with flat feet are more vulnerable to getting pain or injuries in ankles, feet, hips, or knees when compared to people with normal feet.

Final words

flat feet vs normal feet

As you can see, people who are having flat feet will have to go through numerous negative consequences when compared to people with normal feet there are some Exercises for Flat Feet Correction which you can try but first make sure to consult your doctor. Due to the same reason, all people who have flat feet should take a look at the treatment options available and go ahead with the best treatment out of them. 

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